Stepping Out Community Tea Dance
Broadstone War Memorial Hall, Tudor Road, BH18 8AW
2:00 pm - 24th February 2023
FEBRUARY 24TH - We are very sorry but this months tea dance is postponed due to covid cases. We will be back in March so book your place with us now. Tea dance for the whole community.
You are invited to attend our ‘Stepping Out Community Tea Dance’.
£5 a ticket – include entry, tea/coffee & cake.
Being held at the Broadstone War Memorial Hall, Tudor Road, BH18 8AW.
A community tea dance where ALL ARE WELCOME. Including those living with memory loss & their carers.
Run by ‘Shall we Dance’ – Dorothy, Hazel, and Gerry.
Sponsored by Douch Family Funeral Directors.
To book your place and more information phone Lesley Shand on 01202 658833. NB: places are limited, so please phone to secure your place.
This tea dance will run monthly on the 4th Friday of each month from 2 pm-4 pm.
The Leonardo Trust has offered to subsidise any *unpaid carers attending each month.
*NB: paid carers are not eligible for the subsidy.
NB: people living with memory loss, must be accompanied by their carer.
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