Wendy Annette Pearl
Wendy Annette Pearl
1965 - 2023
Service • Trust • Value • Care • Understanding
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Another Star shining bright in the sky, gone far too soon ✨️
Your chair was empty at choir tonight.
We sang the song with all our might.
Many a tear was shed with love,
Whilst your star shone brightly above.
We will miss you lovely friend.
We were so sorry to hear Wendy had left her Earthly life. Her stoic attitude and positive frame of mind are an inspiration to us all.
She will be missed by all who knew her.
Our prayers go out to family and friends. May you feel the Lord’s comfort and peace.
We will forever miss you at choir. We will cherish the memories that we spent with you especially at the Gareth Malone concert. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten and will always be in our hearts and each time we sing, we will sing with everything we have and have you in our thoughts.
My heart goes out to your family and I’m saddened by your loss.
She was a wonderful person and will be missed. God bless you all.
A life cut too short, but lived to the full. My thoughts are with all those who are grieving for the loss of Wendy.