PreemiesUK – Supported by all our branches across Dorset

FC Douch & Sons are proud to offer our support to this fantastic not-for-profit group. PreemiesUK are a voluntary group who donate their time and talents to the purpose of making tiny items of clothing for babies who are born too soon.
All our branches are all acting as drop off points for clothing. We will then arrange to deliver the clothing items to PreemiesUK who then distribute out accordingly.
You can also drop by and browse through our knitting patterns, available in all branches and take away some wool to help get you started.
In addition to this our Parkstone Branch Ives & Shands Funeral Services hold a ‘Knit & Natter Coffee Morning’ on the last Thursday of each month. Our Corfe Mullen branch Lesley Shand hold a Knit & Natter Coffee Morning at ‘Corfe Coffee’ on the first Thursday of each month and the ‘United Reformed Church’ in Broadstone hold Knit & Natter sessions knitting for many causes including ‘Preemies UK’ every other week. The ‘Broadstone Methodist Church’ also support Preemies with a Knit & Natter Coffee morning being held on the 1st Monday of each month.
We are pleased to announce a NEW Knit & Natter group dedicated to PreemiesUK hosted at the Wimborne Library normally to be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Starting date however – 22nd March from 2pm to 4pm. Please come along and support.
The usual Wimborne Library group are still meeting on the 1st Friday of each month of which we continue to support. They dedicate this session to PreemiesUK. Our Wimborne Branch, Douch and Small sponsor this and provide wool and patterns.
Visit our facebook page for further details.