Top Tips For Going Back To Work After Bereavement
Returning to work after a bereavement can be a tough and daunting process. It is common for people to feel as if they won’t be able to ever go back to their usual routine. It is important to accept that it may take some time to work through the process. There are plenty of ways to ease yourself back in to make the process as comfortable as possible. Throwing yourself straight back in the deep end may not be the best option here. As family funeral directors, we have experience helping people through their losses. Read through our top tips for going back to work after a bereavement to see how they could help you or a loved one.
Staged return
It is crucial that you take your time before returning to your previous work schedule and workload. Tune in to what you need and ask yourself what you are ready to take on. A lot of people find a staged return very beneficial. This allows you to warm up to being around the work environment and undertaking work tasks at your own pace. Bereavement is often a draining process, so it is important to take it easy. Use the extra time to relax and recover, or perhaps attend bereavement meetings. As the process continues and you feel more comfortable, you can increase your workload until you are back to your usual schedule.
Talk to your boss
When returning to work, talking to your boss can be extremely helpful. Having a conversation with your manager prior to the return allows you to agree on a plan for your integration back into the work environment. This also provides clear communication between you and your manager. The goal here is to make them aware of your capabilities to avoid unnecessary stress. You can learn more about statutory bereavement pay and leave by visiting
Be kind to yourself
Some people may find it tempting to push their feelings to the side to get straight back into their old schedule. It is recommended that you do not take on long hours or stressful projects when initially returning to work after a bereavement. Although distractions may often help, it is important you have the time to address your grief. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling with a task you were once competent at. Grief often has a direct impact on concentration to begin with. Talk to your boss or colleagues if you need support. You could consider joining local bereavement groups to talk to others. They are experiencing the same issues and will be more than equipped to offer support.
Local bereavement groups
Bereavement support groups are a great way to get support and advice for coping with your grief when returning to work. As leading funeral directors across Poole and Dorset, we offer monthly bereavement meetings. Through our bereavement support across Dorset, we often receive positive feedback. We have found that it is very beneficial it is to be around others experiencing the same feelings or issues.
If you or someone you know is suffering from grief and concerned about their return to work, our bereavement support in Dorset is here to help. We offer local bereavement groups at our family funeral directors in Dorset. For more information speak to a member of our team by calling 01202 367307 or filling out our contact form.